From Robin Bacho
0 0 likes | 429 429 playsAgenda Pre-test - Please take before viewing this webcast Moderator Introduction: Mazen Hanna, MD Case Presentation: Jeremy Brooksbank, MD Overview of… -
From Robin Bacho
0 0 likes | 761 761 playsAgenda Introduction: Haytham Elgharably, MD Case Presentation: Michael Javorski, MD Multimodality Imaging to Evaluate Suspected IE: Bo Xu, MD Medical… -
From Robin Bacho
0 0 likes | 1,005 1,005 playsAgenda Moderator Introduction: Leben Tefera, MD Case Presentation Muhammad Khalid, MD Background on PERTs & Outcomes: Scott Cameron, MD, PhD … -
From Robin Bacho
0 0 likes | 286 286 playsAgenda Moderator Introduction: Francis Caputo, MD Case Presentation: Xiaoying Lou, MD Biomechanics of the Aorta & Updates from the MATADORS Study:… -
From Robin Bacho
0 0 likes | 313 313 playsAgenda Moderator Introduction: Faisal Bakaeen, MD Case Presentation: spectrum of Constriction: Amit Goyal, MD What is the natural history of stable… -
From Robin Bacho
0 0 likes | 164 164 playsAgenda Moderator Introduction: Allan Klein, MD Case Presentation: spectrum of Constriction: Erika Hutt Centeno, MD Clinical Path Correlation: E. Rene… -
From Robin Bacho
0 0 likes | 478 478 playsAgenda Moderator Introduction: Patrick Collier, MD Case Presentation: Erika Hutt Centeno, MD Cardiac Evaluation: Imaging & Biomarkers: Patrick… -
From Robin Bacho
0 0 likes | 1,205 1,205 playsAgenda Moderator Introduction: Amar Krishnaswamy, MD Case Presentation: Vanessa Blumer, MD Implications of Functional MR and Optimizing GDMT: Mangeet… -
From Robin Bacho
0 0 likes | 632 632 playsAgenda Moderator Introduction: Scott Cameron, MD, PhD Case Presentation: Medhat Chowdhury, MD Pathophysiology of Impaired Blood Flow: Scott Cameron,… -
From Robin Bacho
0 0 likes | 356 356 playsAgenda Moderator Introduction: Sudish Murthy, MD, PhD Case Presentation: Michael Javorski, MD Indications for Thoracic Imaging: Jason Lempel, MD … -
0 0 likes | 895 895 playsAgenda Introduction by Moderator: Wael Jaber, MD Case Presentation: Gary Parizher, MD ED Workup: Baruch Fertel, MD Role of HS-Troponins: Venu Menon,…
0 0 likes | 671 671 playsAgenda Moderator Introduction: Allan Klein, MD Case Presentation: Tom Kai Ming Wang, MBChB, MD Pathophysiology of Recurrent Pericarditis: Paul Cremer,…
0 0 likes | 747 747 playsAgenda Moderator Introduction: Eric E. Roselli, MD Case Presentation: Katie O'Sullivan, MD, PhD ED Auto Launch: Matthew Kostura, MD Initial ICU…
0 0 likes | 576 576 playsAgenda Introduction by Moderator: Jerry Estep, MD Case Presentation: Chony Albert, MD Advances in Multimodality Imaging : Serge Harb, MD HF…
1 1 likes | 1,062 1,062 playsAgenda Introduction: Khaldoun Tarakji, MD Case Presentation: Divyang Patel, MD Etiological Workup of the Stroke Patient: M. Shazam Hussain, MD ESUS…
From batchUser
0 0 likes | 211 211 playsAgenda Moderator Introduction: Milind Desai, MD, MBA Case Presentation: Erika Hutt Centeno, MD Role of Echo, Strain and Stress Echo: Zoran Popovic, MD …