29:05duration 29 minutes 5 seconds
Inclusion Technique Elephant Trunk Insertion…
Inclusion Technique Elephant Trunk Insertion during Profound Hypothermia and Arrest of Circulation to the Brain
Dr. Lars Svensson, Chairman of the Heart,…
22:50duration 22 minutes 50 seconds
Bicuspid Aortic Valve Repair with Remodeling: 2…
Bicuspid Aortic Valve Repair with Remodeling: 2 Cases
26:36duration 26 minutes 36 seconds
Aortic Dissection: From Acute Dissection to…
Aortic Dissection: From Acute Dissection to Life-Long Care
Aortic dissection care requires a team approach. …
15:37duration 15 minutes 37 seconds
Aneurysm with Marfan Syndrome: Reoperation with…
Aneurysm with Marfan Syndrome: Reoperation with Elephant Trunk Insertion
Dr. Lars Svensson, Chairman, Heart, Vascular and…
23:00duration 23 minutes 0 seconds
Characteristics and Long Term Outcomes in Adults…
Characteristics and Long Term Outcomes in Adults with Marfan Syndrome and Ascending Aorta Surgery
Dr. Lars Svensson, Chairman of the Sydell and…
09:41duration 9 minutes 41 seconds
What is the Risk of Adding Aortic Replacement to…
What is the Risk of Adding Aortic Replacement to Cardiac Surgery?
Dr. Roselli discusses the results of a study…
11:18duration 11 minutes 18 seconds
LGS Reimplantation Surgery (Graphic)
Dr. Lars Svensson discusses the Reimplantation…