Search for tag: "colonic ulcers"

IBD Live - January 5, 2023

IBD Live - January 5, 2023 - Presenter 1: Johns Hopkins Medicine; Topic: 29 YO Female with Oral and Colonic Ulcers & 40 YO female with Crohn's Disease and New Portal Vein Thrombosis -…

From  ConsultQD Live Admin4 0 likes 40 plays

IBD Live - September 15, 2022

IBD Live - September 15, 2022 - Presenter 1: Marianny Sulbaran, MD, PhD, Advanced Inflammatory Bowel Disease Fellow, Mayo Clinic; Topic: A 67 Year Old Renal Transplant Patient Hospitalized with…

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From  ConsultQD Live Admin4 0 likes 37 plays