29:05duration 29 minutes 5 seconds
Inclusion Technique Elephant Trunk Insertion…
Inclusion Technique Elephant Trunk Insertion during Profound Hypothermia and Arrest of Circulation to the Brain
Dr. Lars Svensson, Chairman of the Heart,…
26:58duration 26 minutes 58 seconds
Reimplantation of the Aortic Valve in a Patient…
Reimplantation of the Aortic Valve in a Patient with Loeys-Dietz in the Replacement of the Aortic Root (Long version)
20:37duration 20 minutes 37 seconds
Remodeling of the Aortic Root for a Bicuspid…
Remodeling of the Aortic Root for a Bicuspid Valve Regurgitation Associated with a Large Aortic Root