Surgery Live - June 9, 2023 - Presenter: Miguel Guelfand, MD, Cleveland Clinic - Topic: Neonatal Minimally Invasive Surgery in 2023
August 13, 2021 Surgery Live presents "Robotic TAR - Weighing Expedited Recovery vs. Soft Tissue Cosmesis."
This broadcast talk reviews potential advantages and disadvantages of Robotic…
July 30, 2021 Surgery Live presents "Rib Fixation."
This broadcast talks about developments in surgical stabilization of rib fractures. It also presents 2 trauma cases on rib injuries and…
This Innovations in Surgery program aired on Friday, June 4, 2021. Antonio M. Lacy, MD from the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona discusses Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision. The program is moderated…
This Innovations in Surgery program aired on Friday, April 2, 2021. It is title "Recent Evolution of Surgical Science in Gastric Cancer Treatment: Beyond MIS" and was presented by Dr. Han…
This Innovations in Surgery program aired on Friday, February 5, 2021. It is title "Single Port Robotic" and was presented by Dr. Samir Agarwal (Cleveland Clinic Weston). He discusses…
Cleveland Clinic heart surgeon and Director of the Aorta Center Dr. Lars Svensson performs a minimally invasive surgery to repair an aortic root aneurysm and aortic
Cleveland Clinic heart surgeon and Director of the Aorta Center Dr. Lars Svensson presentation of minimal J incision aortic valve replacement with a Trifecta Valve.